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Ultrasounds! Round 1

April 29, 2024

First set of preg checks today! Three out of four confirmed. Far left is Titans Dakota Chrome 15 days in foal to Ifwhizswereguns; middle is Whizits Foxy Roxy 16 days in foal to Inferno 66; and right is Shinerscromedoutwhiz 18 days in foal to Inferno 66! Gold N Silva we will try again. 


Ultrasounds! Round 2

May 10, 2024

Second round of preg checks today as well as checking Harlequins Sparkle to see where she is in her cycle! Gold N Silva also waited three days to ovulate, she is coming home and we'll see. On the left is Docs Drop Of Frost 20 days in foal to Epic Titan; right is Dooleysfrostyedition 15 days in foal to Epic Titan! 

Harlequins Sparkle was short cycled! She will head to Oak Ridge Ranch to be bred on Monday!

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Heartbeat Checks!

May 28, 2024

It's a big day here today! We are checking for heartbeats on our five confirmed mares, and preg checking the last two. Sadly, the day didn't start off too great, as Dooleysfrostyedition came up completely open...however she had a 3.5cm follicle and good edema so we made the decision to take her to Oak Ridge Ranch. After that we checked Docs Drop Of Frost, who had a 38 day heartbeat (far left)! Gold N Silva was next and as expected she was not in foal either, but also had a 3.5cm follicle and good edema! She will head to Oak Ridge Ranch as well. Titans Dakota Chrome (middle left) confirmed with a 44 day heartbeat, Whizits Foxy Roxy (middle right) confirmed with a 45 day heartbeat, and Shinerscromedoutwhiz (far right) confirmed with a 47 day heartbeat! Harlequins Sparkle had nothing exciting but she will need to be checked again as she may only be about 10 days and we just couldn't find it. 

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Horses Dancing in the Sky

May 29, 2024


The Northern Lights of North Dakota painted a perfect picture of a horse dancing through the night sky above.


A Stud & His Puppy

June 9, 2024


Shorty really enjoys spending time with his canine bestie, Denali! Shorty likes to nibble on Denali's ears, Denali licks Shorty's nose, which is only to get a taste of Shorty's alfalfa pellets (he thinks it's rude he doesn't share them). The challenge is figuring out who likes chasing who around more!

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The Brand

June 10, 2024

The Royal T brands are looking so good! This one is on our mare, Penny.

Picture Prep

June 13, 2024

Cleaning and oiling tack today in preparation for some special pictures coming soon. Perhaps for the announcement of a Royal T wedding?!

I am also working on getting a new computer and a camera to get quality pictures of the horses!


Back to Five!

June 19, 2024

Confirmed we're back to five babies so far for 2025! Gold N Silva is still throwing us for a loop, it seems that both her and Harlequins Sparkle double cycled their last cycle. But we have a Whippet To The Side X Dooleysfrostyedition on the way!


Six It Is

July 15, 2024

2024 breeding season has come to a close! And we successfully got 6 out of our 7 mares confirmed in foal for 2025! Here's to hoping for a happy and healthy foaling season in 2025! Whippet To The Side X Gold N Silva. 

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